Sell Tickets

Event Ticket
Quickly scan bar-coded tickets upon entry!

If dance events were trees, the ability to sell tickets would be their sunlight.

Do you want to sell tickets online?

Do you also need to sell tickets to walk-ins at the event?

Do you want flexible payment options, including all major credit cards, PayPal, cash or check?

Do you need access to your sales figures, attendee lists, and financial standings in real-time with the click of a button?

Well you are in luck, because World Dance Registry offers all of those features and more.

Our software is proven to save you time and help your event grow.

Easily sell

  • Online from your optimized registration page
  • On-site at your event
  • Accept mail-in registrations
  • Accept phone orders

Sell all of your items

  • Tickets/Event Passes
  • Food
  • Competitions
  • Workshops
  • Merchandise
  • Custom Items

Securely accept

  • Credit Cards
  • Check
  • Cash

Each customer is a business object in the system

Item recipients are not simply keyed into a text field. Therefore, all of a patron’s data, such as name and address, as well as all of the other items that customer purchased/received, is pulled from that object and is ready for use in real-time reports. This is a powerful feature that general E-commerce systems cannot offer.

Easily keep tabs on how much you sold

Every piece of data for an order is tracked by our system and available in our reports. All of a customer’s data is linked to their order(s), so you can easily track things like where your customers are coming from, all of the items that have been purchased for your event, and more.

Apply a custom skin to the entire checkout process

Match the look and feel of your event’s website using our fully customizable theme feature.

Your customers automatically receive an email containing

  • Order confirmation/receipt for every purchase
  • Itinerary of all the items and competitions that they have signed up for in your event
  • Entry ticket with scan-able barcode to streamline the on-site check-in process

Support mobile devices

Customers can buy tickets to your event using their mobile devices. Our website is accessible via practically all modern mobile devices.

Assign Tables

Each customer can be assigned to a specific table at you event.

Refunds & Exchanges

The Administrative Console allows you to issue refunds or exchanges on any item sold.

A truly automated system should only require data to be entered one time

And should validate and catch any input or logic errors for its intended business purpose. Failure to do any of those things results in errors that must be fixed manually later in the event life cycle, which defeats the purpose of using an automated system in the first place.

Off-the-shelf shopping carts, such as those typically found in the dance industry, as well as more general ticketing/e-commerce systems on the market, do not contain the business rules necessary to adequately validate input for dance events.

Our mission is to deliver on the promise of a fully automated data entry system for the dance industry. During the registration process, when a customer makes their selections and enters their data, those selections are validated against World Dance Registry’s proprietary business rules. Once the data is collected, there is never a need to make adjustments, or do double data entry. The data is instantly available to run any real-time report available, such as sales figures, or competitor listings.
